Exclusive Partner Event
Get a front row seat to Best Practices, Product Releases, and What’s New at PeopleGrove.
In this partner-exclusive event, you’ll gain insights into the latest best practices, product releases, and all that’s new and noteworthy at PeopleGrove. Join us to learn how to optimize your work and grow your PeopleGrove community and gain insights into our product roadmap.
Here’s what you can expect:
- New Product Add-On Announcement: Be among the first to explore an upcoming, game-changing add-on to PeopleGrove, designed to boost user adoption and engagement on the platform. Learn how it will empower your community for better experiences and increased networking opportunities.
- Transform Data into a Story: Unlock the power of storytelling with your PeopleGrove data. Learn from our team of experts how to leverage your student or alumni engagement data and turn numbers into impactful narratives that show your audience the power of your work.
- Alumni Workshop Announcement: Be the first to register and learn about our upcoming workshop tailored just to our alumni partners, offering ways to enrich your skillset with advanced techniques and insights.
- Product Updates: Discover the latest enhancements aimed at elevating user experiences and delivering value for your institution. From features like Compass to tailored updates reflecting your feedback, additions to the PeopleGrove platform will be explained.
Plus, get a sneak peek into our Beta Program’s success. Be part of the journey as we share transformative results, lessons learned, and what’s next on the horizon.
PeopleGrove Partners, be on the lookout for your invite to register for this event.