Each summer, Berry College assigns approximately 500 incoming students into a “good fit” first LifeWorks job based, in large part, upon results from students' PathwayU by PeopleGrove assessments. In 2023, over 70% of the incoming class is already on PathwayU by PeopleGrove, and increasing numbers of students are often re-engaging this tool in their second year to explore additional jobs, internships, and high-impact experiences both on and off campus.
Berry’s commitment to students’ personal and professional development, combined with innovative approaches like this, cause many Berry students to report feeling extremely satisfied, prepared, and confident upon graduation – giving them a sense of a return on their college education. This feedback has translated into increased enrollment, and an increase in retention of students through graduation. "So many Berry College students report feeling both very satisfied with their college experience and also extremely prepared for their lives after graduation; I couldn’t be more excited about the direction Berry College is headed, and am honored to be a part of such a student-centered campus community," says Hunsaker.